Have you read the ‘New Coaching Manifesto’ yet? If you’re considering a career in coaching or you’re already a coach, it’s worth reading. You may even find it a bit controversial. I’m sure some will!
In the ‘New Coaching Manifesto‘ Milana Leshinsky offers her opinions on what coaches need to do in order to thrive financially as a coach. While I agree with most of what she has written, there is one thing I don’t agree with it.
I totally agree that to be successful as a coach you need to support your clients to get results, otherwise what’s the point?
The point where we differ is on the need for coach training. The example she uses in her Manifesto is that many internet marketers, who are not trained as coaches, now offer coaching programs that create great results for their clients. Is what they’re doing really coaching though? Isn’t it more a blend of mentoring and consulting?
I realize this may just be semantics. I wouldn’t want prospective coaches to dismiss coach training as a waste of time as a result of reading the report.
After you read New Coaching Manifesto come back and leave your comments and opinions.