Tag Archives: life coach training

Affordable Life Coach Training

Have you decided to become a life coach but have found the cost of coaching training prohibitive?

If so, you’re not alone. The tuition for an ICF accredited coach training program (ACTP), which are at least 125 hours in length, averages approx. $6355 US.1

Many prospective coaches don’t have access to that much money all at once.

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Financing Life Coach Training

How does one find funding for life coach training?  This is a question a subscriber recently sent me.  My answer is below:

Thanks for sending in your question.  As you have probably discovered in your research – life coach training is an investment!  In a previous article on life coach training I shared that tuition fees for accredited coach training programs range from range from $3,900 to $10,000+ US.

I came up with nine ways you could find funding or ways to pay for coach training.

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