What is a Complimentary Session and Why Do You Need One?

Imagine you’re at a networking meeting. You meet a coach.

During your conversation the coach finds out that you’re struggling with finding work you love, which happens to be their niche.

The coach says they can help you if you hire them on a one-to-one basis. Your investment will be $450 a month and you need to commit for three months. You say you’ll think about it.

Later in the evening you meet another coach. This coach also finds out you’re trying to find work you love, their specialty area.

This coach offers you a no-cost 45-minute sample session in which you’ll explore together what work you love looks like, what’s holding you back, and what your next steps are.

Two coaches with two very different approaches. Which approach or offer is more compelling to you?  The sample session!

Why? There’s no risk – other than learning a few things about yourself that you may or may not like. You’re investing 45 minutes of your life versus $450. You get to see if you connect with the coach and if their style of coaching works for you.

What is a Complimentary Session?

By now you’ve gathered that a complimentary or strategy session is a no-cost session that allows you and a prospective client to see if working together is a good choice for both of you. (Yes BOTH of you. Some clients may not be a good fit for you.)

It’s an opportunity for someone who is thinking of hiring you to sample the experience of coaching with you. It allows them to see what is possible in their life if they decided to be coached by you.

It is not a 45-minute coaching session in which you follow the client’s agenda, rather it is a structured session that includes coaching. It also involves you, the coach, inviting the prospect to be your client – if it feels right.

Why Do You Need to Offer a Complimentary Session?

There are many reasons why you need to offer a sample session. Here are three:

1. It’s easier to enroll prospects into.
It’s easier to enroll prospects in a no-cost strategy or complimentary session than in a monthly paid coaching contract – especially when they don’t know you.

2. It gives you a focus for your marketing efforts.
Every article, talk, video etc. ends with you offering people a complimentary session.

3. It’s structured but not rigidly so.
A properly set-up sample session has four parts: the intro; the body; the invite – which may involve coaching through objections; and the closing. Having a structure allows you to relax during the process, especially the asking the prospect to be your client part.

How Do You Learn What Works?

The easiest and fastest way to find out what works, is to learn from someone who has already mastered what it is you want to learn.

When it comes to complimentary sessions, Teresia LaRocque is one of those people. Not only is she one of the ICF’s first Master Certified Coaches, she is also one of the first coaches to show other coaches how to turn prospects into clients. In 1997 she began sharing the strategies that allowed her to build her business quickly – as other coaches kept asking her how she did it. These strategies still work today.

The How to Turn Your Prospects Into Clients With the Complimentary Session package includes 2 audio recordings and a workbook that walks you through the entire process. You will learn how to pre-qualify prospects for a session, how to prepare them, how to structure the call, how to present your fees, and much more…

To find out more visit: Turn Prospects into Clients

In full disclosure – if you purchase the product I will receive financial compensation.