Tag Archives: Andrea Lee

Best of Thomas Call Recap

On a recent teleclass Andrea Lee shared three strategies that the late Thomas Leonard used to attract a worldwide following while building Coachville.

One of the strategies she shared is applicable to all coaches, entrepreneurs, managers, employees etc.  It was about finding the extreme.  In other words, how can you be the ‘ST’ at something?

When it comes to your personal or business vision and mission, a project, your job or career etc., which ‘ST’ could you be?  Will you be the boldest, fastest, most popular, completest (and yes, that is actually a word)….  You get the point.

In order to differentiate yourself from other businesses or employees, you have to offer more than the status quo.  If you apply the above strategy, you can elevate yourself above the noise of the crowd.

If you missed the call or are curious about the other two strategies, you can listen to it here ==> Best of Thomas Call.